Snow Time!

If you haven't used any of this Instant Snow then you are really missing out! It only takes a small scoop and water and it instantly expands up to 100 times its original size. Although pricey ($16 for a small 8 oz jar), it does last a long time. It is cool to the touch and while it isn't good for making snowballs, the kids love playing with it and searching for white objects (arctic animals such as snowy owl, Snowshoe Hare, Polar Bear, Arctic Fox, etc) that are hidden in it. The best part of all is after everyone has played in it I let them know that this "snow" is the stuff that they put in baby diapers! Oh, the giggles, gags and laughs! If a diaper is handy, then we do a little water/diaper experiment to see how it works. Perfect way to have a Snow Day at school!


Miss Trayers said...

This is probably a dumb question, but where do you get something like that? I wanted something different to put in their water table-I think that might work. :)


Unknown said...

Not a dumb question at all! The only place I have seen them is at teacher/school supply stores. I got this one from the School Box because there is a store that is close to me but it can also be ordered from Steve Spanglers Science.

Unknown said...

I love Instant Snow & so do my kiddo! I just found your blog, I'm your newest follower!
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