~Double Dice Freebie~

My kids love using dice during math time so I try to incorporate as many different types of dice as often as I can. I needed a quick & simple review of greater than/less than so I pulled out the double dice and had my students work with a partner to complete this activity. 
  To Play: Partner 1 is the inside number and partner 2 is the outside number. They take turns rolling the dice and then write down the inside & outside numbers on their recording pages. They will then circle the larger number to see who is the "winner" of each round. So simple, yet they love it and I can quickly walk by and see who understands greater than/less than.
Click on the picture below to download!
This also includes a page for using the dice when working with addition!

Ready or Not, It's Time to Plan for February!

Ummm....where did January go? I love the month of January but I wonder if it is because we rarely work a 5 day week! We return from Christmas break after the 1st week of January, a couple days of professional development, a day or two to get kids back into their routine and then there is the Martin Luther King holiday. Throw in a 100th day celebration and a few days for "snow" or "no snow but too cold" days and the month is almost gone! 

I guess its time to start planning for February...another month I just LOVE!  What's not to love about... 

Groundhog Day
Valentine's Day
Post Office Unit
President's Day
Dental Health Month 
Here are some things I have available if you need help planning for February. Some are free, some are paid products. Click on the pictures below to check them out!
Groundhog Day for ActivBoards $4
~FREE~ Love to Learn in Kindergarten
for ActivBoards
100th Day of School for ActivBoards $5
Love Letters for ActivBoards $3
 Post Office & Mail Unit $5

http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Post-Office-and-Mail-Unit-537793  http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Post-Office-and-Mail-Unit-537793

http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Post-Office-and-Mail-Unit-537793   http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Post-Office-and-Mail-Unit-537793
~FREE~ Brush Your Teeth!

http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Brush-Your-Teeth-212555  http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Brush-Your-Teeth-212555
Printable Math & Literacy Centers $5

President's Day & American Symbols
for ActivBoard $5

Dental Health for ActivBoards $4
Dental Health Printable Activities $2
 Puppy Love Addition & Subtraction Stories 
for ActivBoard $4 
...If you don't find what you are looking for here, there are still many more February things in my TPT store!


Sneak Peek Freebie!

Ever since I finished up my Sight Word Practice Packet for McGraw-Hill's Wonders Reading Series, I have had many, many requests to do one for Scott Foresman Reading Street also. We just adopted the Wonders after using Reading Street for the past 7 years so I am still supplementing with the SF leveled readers. In order to do so, I have had to teach the SF sight words and had already started making the worksheets. I am just about finished with the entire packet but it still has a few more days of work left until I am happy enough with it to post it.  Until then, I am offering the first unit free so you can check it out and see if it is something you may be interested in using.

Click on the pictures below to download the sample unit now for free.


Be Blessed!

Turning the Calendar

As I turned the calendar to 2014, I was hoping to find some wise and life changing inspirational words to share but I have not found the words. The last 6 months of 2013 have been the hardest days of my entire life. My oldest moved out of the house and then a month later Logan had his car accident. There are no words to describe what we went through, but as hard as life was for those 2-3 months....THERE WAS LIFE! I am grateful and humbled by the experience that God saw fit for us to endure. How differently it could have all turned out. My family has come out of 2013 with a much stronger faith in Christ and better for the experience. The same God that was on the throne on Sept. 2, 2013 is the same God that is and will be on the throne every single day of 2014 (good AND bad). Yes, 2013 is behind us and the calendar may be turned to 2014 but I pray that the lessons we have learned in 2013 will not quickly be forgotten!

With that being said, please forgive me if my educational blog posts continue to be few and far apart. My inbox is overwhelmed daily with educational blog posts from many teachers that I subscribe to and I have to wonder how they find the time to devote to daily or frequent blog posts. For now, that is not my focus. I still feel like I am in survival mode.  Logan will finally return to school next week to finish his last semester of high school so I anticipate life will become a bit more simple without having to do homeschooling work with a lonely teenager with a bad case of cabin fever when I get home from school every day!

But thank heavens for Christmas break! I have been productive and lazy all at the same time! I finally finished up the 3rd set of morning work packet & am finishing up my Sight Word Packet for Scott Foresman Reading Street. All from the comfort of my sofa and fuzzy pajamas and lots of Hallmark Christmas movies! 

Click on the preview pictures below to pick it up from TPT!




Be Blessed!
