Update on Logan

Thank you all for the sweet comments, emails, and messages concerning Logan's accident! Three weeks in and Logan is finally using that anger and depression to work harder so he can get home. The femur, collar bone, and sternum are healing up nicely and the bruises are fading but the bones in his right leg are taking their sweet time trying to decide if they are going to cooperate or not. He is learning to move himself from the bed to the wheelchair and has been able to put some weight on his new "good" stainless steel leg with lots of help from the physical therapists. He will most likely be in the hospital for 6 more weeks until the cast comes off the right leg and then he will head home to begin physical therapy on the "bad" leg. The daily 40 minute drive to and from the hospital, sleeping in a hospital room, and eating fast food is taking its toll on us but when he is home we will not have round the clock care so we are trying to be patient & use the time in the car to pray & praise our God for His blessings. The road still seems sooo long ahead of us but we still consider ourselves blessed as a family in our community is making arrangements to bury their 13 year old daughter that was killed in a car accident this weekend.  I'll take this path I was given!

Here is my boy smiling when we brought our dogs to visit him at the hospital.
My heart is full!

Thank you again for all of the love! ...and Barbara I am watching the mailbox for that book!

McGraw Hill Wonders Sight Words & Wondering Where I Have Been?!?!

Twelve loonnng days ago my life turned upside down. My 16 year old son was in a terrible car accident when someone pulled out in front of him. He suffered 2 broken legs (left femur & both bones in right leg). a broken collar bone, and a cracked sternum. He had to be cut from the car while I watched) and airlifted to the nearest trauma center where he stayed for 4 days and was then moved to Siskin Rehab Hospital where we will be for the next 6 weeks. These last 12 days have been excruciating for Logan to endure and for us to stand by and helplessly watch but we are grateful for the blessing of life and know that God has a great plan and purpose for Logan's life (Jeremiah 29:11) & everything works for the good of those that love Him (Romans 8:28). We have been overwhelmed with all of the love, support, and most of all the prayers that have been lifted up for Logan and our entire family.

Look at how close he came to hitting that huge light pole!

Before our world began spinning out of our control, I was working on several big projects. One of those projects was sight word practice pages to supplement our new McGraw Hill Wonders Reading Series. I only have units 1-3 finished right now but if you want to download it for FREE click on the pictures below. I will update it again when I get all 10 units completed and then add a small price tag to it but you should still be able to get the updated version for free if you have already "purchased" or downloaded the incomplete FREE version. If not, just come right back here and let me know and I'll be happy to email it to you....just don't hold your breath until it is finished because there is no telling when I will get to it!
